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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Bus ride

While traveling around campus via bus today, the strangest thing happened. I was sitting on one side of the bus, minding my own business, when a girl straight across from me caught my eye. She looked quite plain in her t-shirt and jeans which she paired with masculine brown work boots. I could tell she felt slightly uncomfortable by the way she held herself and looked from side to side at the mass of people surrounding her. But there was something strangely remarkable about her. It was when she turned her head to the side, and I caught a glimpse of her profile, that I realized why I was so drawn to her. Her features were not of super model quality, but much more simple with the slightly protruding nose and set back chin, the lips pulled tight over her teeth, yet somehow looking like the most innocent and loveliest of people. She looked exactly like my grandmother did in her younger years. I love my grandma with every fiber of my being and revere her with the greatest of respect. If you were to ask either me or my brother we would both agree that God has blessed our family so incredibly much because of the faith in God my grandmother holds. I've never met anyone so unyielding in her beliefs as she is. Her constant positive outlook brings me such a joy in life. I frequently find myself wondering if the actions I am taking in life would meet her approval. As Cato says 'Patience is the greatest of all virtues', and no one embodies this virtue more than my grandma.
I felt such a great comfort today on the bus, watching this young girl, wondering if my grandma has always been such an amazing individual or if perhaps she was more like me when she was younger. I wondered what her dreams had been when she was as young as this girl, what she wanted most out of life. I believe she turned out to be just the person she was always meant to be, and for me she is one of my biggest role models. I will admit that I briefly teared up while watching this girl and envisioning my grandma as her younger self. It's funny sometimes how something so random will remind you how truly blessed you are by the people in your life.

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